Hey! It’s art…sorta

Okay, so…I just set up some RSS feeds on google reader. It has made my (internet) life a lot easier, and faster. I was checking out the ‘recommended subscriptions’ list when I came across the blog – Geek With Curves.

Now, I enjoy looking at most of the recommendations google gives me…but often I find I’m not interested enough to actually subscribe to whatever it is that’s being suggested.

Geek With Curves, a blog for lady geeks, was more or less giving me the same impression. Cute, but not a site I would feel the need the check back on constantly.

Then I saw this picture and my opinion changed. Thanks Google (and Amy Ratcliffe)

What’s Behind Door #1?

Click on it to find out!
I was searching the intertubes for things of interest this morning and I found that image at POE [photographers of etsy]. I only just found this site a while ago but I’m *really* enjoying the photography posted on the site so far. In fact, I think I’d like to work on my own photography sometime in the near future. I haven’t worked with this medium in quite a long time – or at least, not with any artistic aspirations – so it should be fun.

Aside from just thinking it’s a nice photo, though – this is the kind of image that makes me want to learn how to use Flash. Doesn’t that knob look like you could just reach out and turn it? What if you could open that door to somewhere else entirely? JRD insists on crushing my dreams and tells me that Flash can’t really do the job I’m hoping for. But maybe there’s a better program out there? Maybe one day you’ll come back here and find a door to somewhere else just waiting to be opened…

Let’s see if we can do this…

So after some internal debate I’ve decided to write a blog. I’m not 100% sure on is direction yet. I’m thinking it’ll be a nice way to get some art projects of mine a little more organized. Let us just say that I’ve had “difficulties” starting and finishing various artistic pieces I’ve come up with. I’m hoping this blog will give me the motivation to see my projects through to the end. As an added bonus I’ll get to share my work with anyone who’s interested in viewing it. What I’d like to do with this blog is share my thoughts, ideas and processes while I work on my art. See, it’s win/win for everyone involved.

I’m working on a few projects right now, the largest of which would be the comic my husband and I are collaborating on. I have quite a few pages of work for this project already and i hope to start posting a few of the more completed works here soon. I have a series of paintings, mostly ideas for future works that will tie in with each other, waiting to be put to canvas.
I don’t want to give away too much just yet since who knows how this will all turn out. I hope I’ll learn something about myself and my art by working on this blog, but most of all I hope that I can remain consistent in my work. Wish me luck!